Destin 30A Moms Presents:
Sweat & Sculpt with Aly Gray of Fit30A
Join us on **Monday, October 21st** at **9:30 AM** for a workout at The Big Chill led by Aly Gray!
Use code: MOMS for BOGO tickets and bring a friend!
Get ready to break a sweat and sculpt your body with a fun and energetic workout that will leave you feeling strong and empowered! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with other moms in the community and prioritize your health and wellness.
We’ll finish our time with coffee from Nectar and giveaways from local businesses you know and love!
Bring a friend and have fun with a new way of movement that’ll keep you going from rhythmic warmup, through powerful exercises and core conditioning finishers.
All fitness levels are welcome so invite a friend to Sweat & Sculpt too!
Shoes and light weights are optional!
Please bring your own mat and water bottle.
See you there!
Thank you to our Giveaway Partners:
Giveaways are being added daily – check back to see what’s new!
Destin 30A Moms is South Walton’s premier parenting resource and exists to encourage, equip and empower local moms with relevant resources and a meaningful community while connecting them to local and national brands you know and love.
Sweat & Sculpt offers a 50 minute hybrid strength & cardio conditioning workout using light to medium hand-held weights (3-8lbs) for a total body muscle burning training session. Think weight training to a beat where you’re seamlessly lead through exercises that are choreographed to an awesomely curated playlist.
Enjoy a well-rounded dynamic workout with 30A’s Woman Personal Trainer of the Year, Aly Gray of Fit 30A! Aly lives and breaths fitness as a certified trainer, instructor and nationally recognized bikini competitor who loves what she does influencing others to fall in love with fitness too. She can’t wait to meet you.
DISCLAIMERS AND TICKET INFO: Cancellation/Refund Policy – ALL TICKET SALES ARE FINAL. NO REFUNDS. NO RAIN CHECKS. Additionally, everyone that purchases a ticket will be subscribed to our email list (if they have not been already) in order to provide the most timely and up to date event info. By purchasing a ticket you understand that the host and venue have safety precautions in place, but also that there are inherent risks.