What To Do When (It Feels Like) You Are Choking…


First and foremost, if you happened to Google “What to do when I’m choking” and stumbled on this post, please close your internet browser, and call 911.

If not, then carry on.

Do you ever feel like you’re choking? Like you took too big of a bite and you just can’t chew it….so instead of doing the sensible thing and spitting it back out, you just try to swallow it instead. Like that’s going to end well (insert face palm emoji here). And what happens when you’re choking? You can’t breathe.

I think as women we have all found ourselves in this predicament. Not literally, well maybe, but perhaps an opportunity arose that looked incredibly delicious, so you said “YES!” without fully processing, or chewing it, first. I often wonder if our great grandmothers felt this sense of urgency to say “YES!” to all the things or if this is a modern dilemma. It’s as if we judge our compassion, our kindness, our love, and our hearts on the number of things we have added to our plate. Roll with me here (so many food analogies

Our plate is only so big. If you add more to it, it’s not going to get any bigger. However, the room you have for other things will only decrease. So, the more you add, the less space you have left over.

I know I have found myself with a plate so full it could have filled two plates. Soon after, I was choking and couldn’t breathe, but did I cut back immediately? Why of course not. What kind of over achiever would I be then?! However, we all know that isn’t healthy. So, what do you do when you find yourself choking for air amidst a plate full of commitments and responsibilities?

One of my favorite influencers, Landyn Hutchinson, sells a coffee mug in her adorable Nashville shop that says, “If it’s not a heck yes then it’s a no”. At this moment I’m not sure if truer words have ever been written.

If something on your plate does not make your heart jump for joy, then send it to the garbage disposal.

Also, don’t be afraid to take a season of cutting back to the basics. Take care of you, your family, and your job and career first. Once you find balance here, you can start to add back other commitments. I did this once, and it was incredibly rewarding not only for myself, but my children benefited from it too. Self-care doesn’t have to be time consuming or expensive. It can be waking up earlier and going for a walk to clear your head, grabbing a coffee by yourself or with your best friend, or going to the movies.

Finding balance on your plate of life is often easier said then done. Be honest with yourself and others about your time. We are all trying to do our best and be the best versions of yourself. Remember, the next time you find yourself unable to breath, take a step back and reevaluate. There is no shame in saying “no” so you can have some fresh air.

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