Amy Walsh
Preparing Kids To Move Out
Wait. Did you read that title right? Am I really talking about preparing KIDS to move out?? You bet I am! Please don't misunderstand or judge me. If you know me in real life...
Does this blog make my influencer look big?
Although this meeting is planned it feels like suddenly I’ve found myself sitting at this table with some amazing young moms from different walks of life writing mom blogs with them. Does this make me...
One Of The Hard Parts Of Being A Parent
Have your mom friends been totally honest with you about being a parent? I'm not talking about the fun stuff like holding your newborn for the first time; watching him/her smile at you (for...
The Breast Cancer Tests
Have you considered getting the breast cancer tests? I am not talking about mammograms. You know the tests I'm talking about - BRCA1 and BRCA2. Those are some pretty scary letters. When you think...
Breast Cancer Awareness is not just a Month
Breast Cancer Awareness is not just a month. Did you read that? Breast cancer awareness is not just a month. Last blog post I talked about monthly self breast exams and how it’s important to...
Choose Your (Video Game) Battles
Since you have been a parent, have you heard the phrase “choose your battles”? This phrase has helped me survive some trying times as a parent. It was what helped me decide what battles...
It’s not pink. It’s not pretty. Breast cancer sucks!
It’s not pink. It’s not pretty. Breast cancer sucks! Actually all cancer sucks but for me breast cancer is the worst. According to about 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop...
National Nonprofit Day
National Nonprofit Day is celebrated annually on August 17th. What is National Nonprofit day anyway? Sherita J. Herring, a renowned speaker, best-selling author and business strategist, founded National Nonprofit Day to educate, enlighten and...
Am I even ready?
Friends are you ready for your kids to grow up?? The whole time my kids have been growing up I have been ready to see what path they will take, what adventures they will...
My Last School Supply List Shopping Trip
Moms - do you remember that last time you went shopping for something with your child but didn't realize it would be the last time you would be shopping for that item? It dawned...