Teens + Cooking



Encouraging teenagers to find hobbies they are passionate about is not always easy. Electronics tend to come easily for the teens in our home, but we are consistently encouraging them to broaden their horizons outside of the electronic space. Reading. Chess. Legos. Cooking. Art. Those are some of the things they tend to keep circling back to. We want to encourage them to find things they are passionate about while also experimenting and trying new stuff, too!

Our oldest is pretty shy and reserved. He is a strong introvert and would probably live in his room most days, happy as a clam with a book. It takes a bit more coaxing to get him to open up and really invest in some of the things he wants to try that are new. He has said that he wants to be a chef for years. I have never navigated teens and cooking before and the older he has gotten, the more he has wanted to experiment in the kitchen. We haven’t really dug in with him to make it a priority…until now. Birthday cakes for his siblings, being in charge of snacks, and now he is taking over easy dinners! 

We subscribed to Raddish cooking club as a gift for the kids last Christmas and have been so impressed. One of the main reasons we went with Raddish is that they don’t send ingredients. We have a severe dairy allergy in our family, so oftentimes the boxes that send actual ingredients end up not working for us. Raddish sends directions for a few recipes, ingredient lists, some cool information on the theme, and a kitchen tool. They also make it super simple to swap out ingredients for allergies with recommendations on their website! The steps are clear and include pictures which is awesome for visual learners. Honestly, the way they lay out the step by step directions would be helpful for anyone!

He made these Southern Biscuit Sandwiches for dinner this week and they were delicious! The recipe was simple enough that he could basically do it on his own. He made the biscuits from scratch with some dietary modifications for allergies. Then assembled the sandwiches. Even his siblings loved them which is clearly a big win! 

We can’t want to see what next months’ box theme is. I am so grateful this is giving him some more confidence in the kitchen as he grows in his passion!! 

Learn more about Raddish here