Bronwynn Toombs
Eating Right Made Simple: Quick, Healthy Snacks
As a mom, I think it's essential to make sure my family and I have quick, healthy snacks ready on the go. If I don't prepare the snacks ahead of time, we'll end up...
Our Wild, Crazy Animal Takes on Tennis
Did you know that 7-year-old boys are wild, crazy animals? Because I certainly didn’t. I grew up in a house of all girls. My cousins are all girls, my nieces are all girls. Well...
Back to School Sucks
I’m just going to say it… our son Isaac going back to school after the holidays sucked.
I kept seeing posts from other parents that were soo excited for their kids to go back to...
Love Is A Battlefield – Navigating Screen-Free Activities With Our Son
If your family dynamic is anything like ours, getting our son Issac to have screen-free time is like walking into a literal battleground. I mean really, you better be suited up with your straightest...
Meet Me At The Barre, It’s Going Down – Finding My Love For Dance...
Like all kids, I had to learn how to communicate my emotions properly as a young girl. I feel like I struggled in that area, though. I would get overwhelmed, and my feelings would...
Quarantine Metamorphosis – From Uptight to Laid Back Parenting
Prior to this global pandemic, I classified my parenting style as loving, warm and strict (others might classify it as uptight lol). We have well-rounded healthy meals, no sugary breakfasts during the week, limited...
Meet the Meany Pants
Meet the bad guy, the strict one, the meany pants and the one that's always making sure the rules are being followed. Hello, it's me.
I didn't ask for this roll and I don't necessarily...
Going to the Dentist as an Adult
Why did no one prepare me for the dentist as an adult?! Maybe there are guides out there and I just didn’t take the initiative to look them up and prepare. But I mean...
That’s Not My Mom
This morning started off super normal. My alarm went off and Isaac’s little feet immediately started scuffling towards my room. He’s a morning person through and through, and he is always waiting on us...