I’m just going to say it… our son Isaac going back to school after the holidays sucked.
I kept seeing posts from other parents that were soo excited for their kids to go back to school after the holiday break. But I was legitimately sad. Since we work from home, we spent almost two full weeks with the three of us together 24/7. So, we basically had our own Christmas break along with Isaac.
The house is always SO quiet when he leaves. There’s no shouting, “I’m going to get you!! You’re going down!” Or “Bronwynnie can you help me with this” or “DAAAAAD, do you want to play Legos with me?!”
Well, there’s silence until our chocolate lab Lahna, hears a suspicious noise outside. Then she’s all “I’m going to eat you, intruder! Just you try and come in here!” Which scares all of us an unnecessary amount.
I’m annoying and needy, so I kept telling Isaac, “Don’t go back to school! I’m going to miss you terribly! Whoever will I talk to and play video games with?” His suggestion for my drama was for me to homeschool him, but that would be an absolute disaster, and I would like for him to continue to love me. Background story… we went on vacation to Palm Springs in October, and since he had to miss a week of school, we took the work with us to keep him caught up. Me trying to be his teacher and get him to focus on 50 thousand assignments tested my patience a bit. Thank you to all the teachers out there!! You are appreciated!
Well, back at home, the fateful morning came, and he had to go back to school.
We were lying in bed cuddling, and Jonathan came in to round us him for the bus stop.
Isaac was protesting and saying he wanted to stay home with us. And for a second, I thought, “WAH! Yeah! Let him stay home, Dad!”
But I knew I had to put my big girl panties on. So I reminded him that he was going to get to see his friends and have the most fabulous time.
I kept a straight face as they packed up and walked out the door.
The second they were out, I went to have a little cry. Only a little one, though, because who am I kidding? He would be back in no time!
So now our house is super quiet, from 7 am-3 pm every day.
Now, how many more days until Spring Break?