I do not know if it is a second baby thing, a girl thing, or if I am finally being punished for something awful I did in my dreams but this toddler is wild. Terrible twos may be the death of me.
Edith Lucille is inching towards her third year and she’s doing it with style, sass, and a will stronger than an angry Hulk. I do not remember struggling through the terrible twos with my first born, Huckleberry. Maybe I did and then as soon as he turned three that guy from “Men In Black” came and zapped my memory (seems very likely).
She honestly is the sweetest and smartest toddler I have ever known, throwing out love like moon pies at Mardi Gras but, when she is over it? Full. On. Monster. And I say that with so much love in my heart for my Edie Lu but, it is hard.
Bed time seems to be the worst. She just flat out yells “NO” to everything and no disciplinary action phases her. Take all her new toys away? Fine, she never wanted them anyway. Time out? That is where she comes up with her material for her next tantrum. Most nights it is an absolute struggle to get her to settle. For example: last night she yelled at me for awhile because she wanted to brush my hair, it was 10:30 pm.
Thank heavens for my husband who helps keep everything in perspective. It makes it so much easier when we can secretly laugh at her with one another.
I do not take this time for granted, I know it is part of our story. Every day is a new lesson and I am grateful for each moment with my kids but, sometimes I feel like I am going crazy. I feel like I am failing them but, I know in my heart that is not true. Being two does not last forever. I just try to to remember that the end goal is to raise happy, respectful, and kind children that will carry those traits into adulthood.
Soon the terrible twos will be gone then the next phase will be here before I know it and Tommy Lee Jones will zap my memory again. So for now I will just navigate each melt down as they come and try to keep my cool, then laugh (or cry) in the bathroom later.