Technology is awesome. Yay tech! In so many ways it helps us, moves us forward, makes things easier. But there is this one little device we use all the time, we take with us everywhere, and we feel completely lost...
Recognizing the moms who inspire us every day. Nominate your favorite local mom for 2018 Destin 30a Mom of the Year
My pregnancy experience was not completely blissful. There I said it.  Yes the early moments of first finding out and pre- morning sickness were wonderful, but that didn't last long. I struggled with pre-eclampsia pretty early on. Which left me feeling...
Spring is in the air, which around here means the event calendar is filling up quickly! There's lots to do in our little beach towns as the season picks up, and Easter is no exception. From Egg Hunts to...
And just like that, it's time to think about Spring Break! Not sure how it happened, but here we are in March. Bust out the beach towels and the planners, because we've got The Rundown ready for you!  Let's...
When I talk with other moms about the food allergies in my family, they usually say something like, "What can you eat?" or "I couldn't do it." I always assure them that they could, in fact, manage it if they...
SO excited to share these photos from our first ever Date Night Event with Grayton Beer. What an amazing night out at the brewery! Check out more photos (and tag yourself!) in the official Photo Album.  DATE NIGHT with GRAYTON...
" The call to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak " - Martin Luther King Jr.  The news of the latest school shooting has hit me hard.  I debated writing this post.  When it comes to this platform,...
I understand why Valentine’s Day can be a nuisance. It overcrowds our favorite restaurants and leaves us with extra to-do's on our list: make kids’ valentines. Buy card. Make reservation. Book sitter. Eat entire heart-shaped box of chocolates on...
Actually not even sure what kind of time warp we're in at this point, but February is here! Check out this month's Rundown, with #allthethings happening around town this month. Grab your planners, let's do this. Have an event you...
The 30A Songwriters Festival weekend is one of the most magical weekends of the year for us. This is the 8th year we have attended the festival and my husband also plays every year. If you’ve never been, it’s...
  When I heard there were umbrellas in the sky in Pensacola, I was #soexcited. Kid-at-Christmas-Can’t-Wait-To-Get-Over-There EXCITED. Umbrellas in the sky?! From Portuguese artists? Oh this has my name written all over it. Be right there.  Record scratch.  Noooot so fast. Pensacola...
You know that saying “it takes a village”? Well these days, it seems like our Mom Tribes have gotten pretty sparse. With people living farther away from their families and everyone having insanely busy schedules, it can be difficult...
The New Year is here!  Yay!  Insert New Years dance!  Where did 2017 even go?!   I'm always asking myself: what can I do differently in the new year?  Of course I turn to my phone for inspiration :) where...

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In + Around Destin

Pregnancy and Postpartum Guide

Destin 30A Moms PREGNANCY AND POSTPARTUM GUIDE Pregnancy and postpartum can feel daunting and while preparing to grow your family is exciting, it is also filled...
Confessions of a messy mom Laundry

Confessions Of A Messy Mom