I never would have guessed that bringing my seven year in for an orthodontist check up was something I needed to do. She's only in first grade! I had lost my baby teeth, had some others pulled, and was headed straight into the awkward teen years before I even thought about braces.
From the moment we found out we were having our second child, I had wonderful ideas in my head of how smoothly this pregnancy would go. After all, I had a relatively easy pregnancy with my first son, and...
Ah, August. The heat is so oppressive that after five minutes outside you need a shower, “Named” storms start popping up, and THE KIDS ARE GOING BACK TO SCHOOL.  Admittedly, it’s school that makes some of the most lasting impressions...
My son was recently in Orlando, Florida without any member of his family. He's highly supervised, of course, but this was the first time he/any of my children have been away from us for a school trip. He was...
The nominations are IN! Who will be the 2018 Destin 30a Mom of the Year? It's going to be a really REALLY tough call. We are so grateful to each and every one of you who took time out...
I’m just going to say it… our son Isaac going back to school after the holidays sucked. I kept seeing posts from other parents that were soo excited for their kids to go back to school after the holiday break....
One of our favorite spring and summer activities is going on an old-fashioned scavenger hunt. When the weather is just right you can find yourself spending an entire summer morning exploring the park and checking off list of cool...
  Technology is awesome. Yay tech! In so many ways it helps us, moves us forward, makes things easier. But there is this one little device we use all the time, we take with us everywhere, and we feel completely lost...
Summer is here! If you were not sure - just step out your front door it is HOT! The kids are out of school and ready to head to the beach - Even if that doesn't quite fit into...
As I was gearing up for my morning session of Prenatal Yoga Booty Ballet, I was filled with dreams of a relaxing workout, one where I am one with my body, and channeling my inner goddess.  Sounds great, right? What could...
Welcome to the 21st century... Where everyone wants to have their babies at home or on a farm somewhere. Maybe not everyone--maybe I just have a lot of crunchy friends (love you, Crunchy Friends! ?). While a home birth was never my...
SUMMER! It's finally here and we have such high hopes for grilling, chilling, beaching, ALL of it! We believe in living intentionally, but we also know that over the summer, that's not always simple. It's all too easy to fall...
She catches me looking at her,  gives a little eye roll and says "what are you looking at mom, quit looking at me".  It's annoying to her, but I hope one day she will understand the gaze. I see...
Hey y'all!  So... I'm not fond of talking about myself, but I've managed to put quote a few thoughts together for this post. So, let's just give hugs all around and be friends so we can share some knowledge in this...

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In + Around Destin

Destin 30A May Events Roundup

It's official - the month of May is festival month. GatorFest, LakeFest, Fine Arts Fest...so many fests! Plus Mother's Day, and more. Check out...