Prior to this global pandemic, I classified my parenting style as loving, warm and strict (others might classify it as uptight lol). We have well-rounded healthy meals, no sugary breakfasts during the week, limited screen time, a set schedule...
My husband is a pretty laid back and chill guy. He's not the type of person you'd expect to head straight for an impending hurricane or drive to the Florida epicenter of a pandemic. Yet, because of his role...
writers block

I Am Struggling

I am struggling to meet a blog writing deadline.  Confession time:  I googled blog topics. *cringe*  Don’t get me wrong, I have many topics running through my head right now - I just can’t stop one topic long enough...
Meet the bad guy, the strict one, the meany pants and the one that's always making sure the rules are being followed. Hello, it's me. I didn't ask for this roll and I don't necessarily want it. However, I feel...
Have your mom friends been totally honest with you about being a parent?  I'm not talking about the fun stuff like holding your newborn for the first time; watching him/her smile at you (for real) for the first time;...
For 12 of our 15 years of marriage, we have lived away from our families. At first it wasn't by choice. My husband was accepted into medical school in Des Moines, Iowa so to Iowa we went. Next came...
Why did no one prepare me for the dentist as an adult?! Maybe there are guides out there and I just didn’t take the initiative to look them up and prepare. But I mean COME ON, where are the...
Motherhood and Mom guilt go hand-in-hand. Am I right? You can't have one without the other. When you become a Mom you're filled with overwhelming feelings of gratitude and thankfulness for being blessed with this life, but the Mom...
You know how sometimes something happens and it seems so far fetched, so impossible that you swear you have to be dreaming? Or that you're watching some wild Lifetime movie? That is how I felt on January 6, 2008,...
The third Thursday in October is National Get Smart About Credit Day. Super exciting stuff, right?! Maybe to those of us that get super nerdy about money and numbers. But to most people, credit is a big, bad, scary...

Pregnancy After Loss

I will never forget the words the doctor said – “I’m so sorry, we can’t find a heartbeat.” I was 8 weeks pregnant with our first child and having my first prenatal appointment.  The doctors estimated that our fetus had stopped...
This morning started off super normal. My alarm went off and Isaac’s little feet immediately started scuffling towards my room. He’s a morning person through and through, and he is always waiting on us to wake up. I got him...
A year post storm, it is kind of hard to believe. The days leading up to landfall of Hurricane Michael were one of scariest times of my life.  I am not a native Floridian and hurricanes are not something I...
Breast Cancer Awareness is not just a month.  Did you read that?  Breast cancer awareness is not just a month.  Last blog post I talked about monthly self breast exams and how it’s important to know your body.  YOU have...

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In + Around Destin

Destin 30A May Events Roundup

It's official - the month of May is festival month. GatorFest, LakeFest, Fine Arts many fests! Plus Mother's Day, and more. Check out...