Although this meeting is planned it feels like suddenly I’ve found myself sitting at this table with some amazing young moms from different walks of life writing mom blogs with them. Does this make me an influencer? What?? I have no freaking idea! So I did a little Google search to find out. You all know Google has all the answers and if it’s on the internet it must be true.
What the heck is an influencer? According to this influencer marketing site an influencer is:
- an individual who has the power to affect purchase decisions of others because of his/her authority, knowledge, position or relationship with his.her audience
- an individual who has a following in a particular niche, which they are actively engage with.
“It’s important to note that these individuals are not simply marketing tools, but rather social relationship assets with which brands can collaborate to achieve their marketing objectives”.
Do I even fit this description? I still have no idea, but it sure is fun being able to use my brain creatively for the first time in a very long time. I love to write and share my experiences about parenting, life or marriage, even if it’s not what is normal compared to yours. What I, or any of these great moms, share might help you navigate something you are battling.
Knowing someone has taken the time to read what I have written is a great feeling. What’s even better is that it’s possible what I’ve written has helped someone. Let me be completely honest with you… I get an adrenaline rush (or something like that) when I find out people read what I am writing about and they actually like it! Dude – it’s even a little addictive.
Not gonna lie – I like being a part of something that may somehow influence someone in a positive way. It makes me feel good. Is that selfish? Maybe.
What I really wonder though is – does that make my influencer look big? I hope so