Whether I’m in the bathroom going pee, taking a shower, reading hilarious parenting tweets, or eating a cookie, I’m clearly in there for a reason. Please give me privacy in the bathroom, GO AWAY, and give mom a minute!
I don’t know about you, but my kids absolutely love to bother me in the bathroom. It NEVER fails. They HAVE to ask me a question which, let’s be serious, is usually random and could be answered after I step out of the bathroom. Or it’s “mom, I need another snack”, or they are telling on their sibling, or asking if they can paint and do a craft.
Enough is enough, leave mom alone in the bathroom.
All I ask for is a peaceful, uninterrupted shower and 5 seconds of alone time while I pee in between snack breaks and playtime. I was just with you my sweet child, and you just had a snack, WHY do you find the need to find me in the bathroom every single time I escape?
Even if you weren’t downstairs, it’s like you sense me having a minute to myself, run down, and barge in.
I already share everything with you, including my food and my bed. I carried you for 9 months and gave birth to you. Please don’t scare me while I’m shaving my legs in the shower, it’s not funny, and I don’t like cutting myself shaving… it hurts! And no, I don’t want to put your hair in a pony tail or lipstick on you while I have shampoo in my hair. When that stuff gets in your eyes, it burns! No absolutely not, if you need help wiping your butt, you can wait until I’m done washing my face. And I definitely don’t want you to turn off the light so I have to get out of the shower with soap still on to switch it back on and slip on the floor.
Like, please, give me privacy in the bathroom! I love you so much and I want to play with you but sometimes mommy needs to do things alone and just because I’m busy at the moment, doesn’t mean I can’t help you when I’m done. Please give me privacy in the bathroom and give mom a minute!
Mommy loves you, but PLEASE!