I don’t know about you but finding friends as an adult is so much harder than when I was a kid or even at my most awkward as a teenager. Back then it was so simple. You’d see a kid on the playground playing with X-Men figures and you’d have your X-Men figures and suddenly you were best friends. Or you liked that girl’s barrettes. It didn’t take much to find that common ground. As an adult and mother, the common ground seems harder and harder to find. Instead of finding something you share, it’s almost like a competition to see who shares the most.
I’ve found some of my best friends in the very same place I’ve found my favorite pairs of shoes: the internet. I’m not even kidding you. First, I met my bestie Jackie in an online group for cloth diapers. We were both in the same small town in Iowa. We had our first date at the zoo, and she’s been my best friend ever since. I don’t get to see her very often but we text every day, and I talk to her on the phone more than anyone else. When we do see each other, it’s not at all awkward and it’s like not any time has passed. That’s the beauty of a best friend. No matter how much time has passed, no matter the last time you saw each other, there’s no change. Finding friends as an adult is a lot like finding your favorite pair of shoes.
Now, since joining the Destin 30A Mom’s Blog, it turns out I was also joining a group of ready made friends. When tragedy struck, we rallied to support our sister that was struggling. When I myself was struggling with Barry’s last activation, crisis schooling and solo parenting, they showed up at my door with a gallon of margaritas. A gallon. Sometimes you fall into the right place at the right time. I don’t know what I did to get these babes in my life, but I’m forever grateful.
Finding friends as an adult is definitely much harder than making friends as a child. The extra effort is totally worth it. As an adult, there are bigger issues than which X-Men character is your favorite and harder hills to climb. There is tragedy beyond losing your Storm action figure. Even though finding friends as an adult is so much harder, I am forever grateful for the babes that surround me.