Never Go To Bed Angry 


Marriage. Forgiveness. And never going to bed angry. 

Marriage is tough, but let’s never go to bed angry. Being in a relationship with someone is hard work, period. Between the laughs and the tears, there is so much that makes up your own personal story in the unique relationship with your significant other. It can sometimes feel like a constant love/hate relationship with never-ending back and forth banter. It can sometimes feel like a tennis match that never seems to end.

You are not alone, but let me give one relationship-saving piece of advice. Apologize, and never go to bed angry!

Anger is a strong emotion that can become overbearing at times. Let’s get real. 

WE ALL FIGHT. Whether the fights are big or small… we all do it. But it’s so important to NEVER go to bed angry and always apologize. Don’t get me wrong, the reason for your fights can be valid and about serious matters. What I’m talking about is more like apologizing for maybe throwing a towel, or slamming a door, for yelling or raising your voice. Apologize for losing your temper and not approaching the discussion or situation differently. We’re all human, we make mistakes and when we’re angry, we say things and do things that we don’t mean.

Let’s compare marriage to your favorite sport for instance. Whether it be football, basketball, soccer, or even tennis, there is a level of expectation of respecting the other team, no matter the outcome. Right?

So in regards to your marriage, it is not about winning or losing, but about experiencing each other’s strengths and weaknesses while growing together and maintaining respect.

So with marriage and relationships at the end of our “matches” or in this particular case, fighting matches, wouldn’t you be expected to respect the other team? Respecting your partner’s concerns and emotions is extremely important. You wouldn’t be playing the game in the first place without someone to challenge you, and when you’re challenged, you learn and grow.

When both parties in a relationship realize that it’s more important to take wins and losses as a learning experience to grow and be a better person, rather than keeping score, the relationship’s dynamic will have a better foundation. There is no gain in being a poor sport. That attitude gets you absolutely no where, and sometimes hurtful words during arguments go too far can never be taken back.

My biggest advice is never go to bed angry. Even if its the biggest fight you’ve ever had and you’re ready to walk out the front door. Once you get through your emotions, always apologize for the actual fight. Maybe not for the topic or for bringing it up, but for the fighting, for the yelling, and for all those low blows. 

Marriage and relationships constantly take hard work to be an effective team. 

Working together and respecting each other is the best chance at having a good and happy healthy relationship! Winning together as team is more important then putting the other side down and keeping score. 

Click here to check out ways to argue fairly with your significant other. 

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Brittany Brown
Brittany was born on the East Coast of South Florida, but is considered a local since she has spent most her life soaking up the sun in the panhandle! She enjoys watching HGTV in her “spare time”, but as far as hobbies go she is a working mom of three small but mighty, and super busy kids with no hobbies to call her own! Constantly on the go between work and driving her kids from school to various activities she enjoys plugging in headphones and listening to music to combat the anxiety and fast pace life that comes with being a mom and a wife!