Every night like clock work after the whole house is still and sound asleep, I pray over you and tuck you in with a 100 kisses goodnight.
After a long busy day of working and being distracted by our daily routine, I watch your sweet face dream and grow each night! I miss you.
I miss you, because our life is on full speed ahead, flashing before my eyes.
At night is when I notice your face has changed. I notice that you’re growing taller as your legs stretch out and fill more space in your bed. I am hopeful time slows down and these moments last forever. I pray for you and pray that you always know all of the joy and happiness in this world, especially during these times of darkness. I also sit by your side and apologize again for the moments I lost my cool during my full on anxiety attacks and the chaotic little moments during our day.
When I come to give you 100 kisses goodnight is when I notice that I maybe didn’t kiss you and hug you enough today. As tears run down my face, I try to remember when you were smaller, and the time I feel I have already lost. I love you my sweet child.
100 kisses goodnight is what I give you before I myself lay down to sleep. I never skip a night, because one day I’ll have to do it from afar when you move out and grow up, and I pray that day is no time soon.
At night when you’re sound asleep is when I cherish every extra snuggle I get with you and tell you I love you, even when you can’t hear me. I am so proud of you little one. I sit and tell you everything I wish I would have told you that day that slipped my mind and how absolutely amazing you are. I’m so lucky to be your mom. And tomorrow I’ll give you 100 more kisses goodnight.
To my sweet children, I love you Natalie, Rylee, and Tre.
Good prayers to pray for your children
Click here for a great blog on motherhood and mom guilt.