Beach Bag Must Haves for Destin 30A Moms


The weather is warming up and that means more beach days are happening! As a mom, we wear the ‘be prepared for everything’ hat quite often and that definitely includes our days at the beach. We polled local moms and here are some of the beach bag must haves they suggested!

Towel or blanket 

We have a million kids, so I like to bring enough towels for everybody. If my husband packs the bag, we end up sharing towels. To each his or her own 😉 I love Turkish towels like Sand Cloud that aren’t bulky, absorb a lot, and dry quickly. 


We usually do sunscreen before we head to the beach but on super sunny days we definitely need to reapply. So don’t forget to toss in your favorite sunscreen. I also wanted to add that I love sun shirts for my kids! They are so helpful, especially at the beginning of the season. 

Sunglasses and/or Hats

Bucket hats. Floppy beach hats. Sunglasses only. Whatever your style is, you will be grateful that you have them as an option on super sunny days!


Wipes are my favorite hack for getting off sand and salt before heading back home from the beach. I don’t have anyone in diapers, and haven’t for years, but we always have wipes on hand! We use them for hands before snack, wiping down water bottles, and then feet before we jump in the car to head home. 

Water bottle 

Staying hydrated is sooooo important. We always bring a couple of giant water bottles for our family to share. You can also, obviously, pack a cooler with fun drinks your family loves!

Wet bag 

Do you use wet bags? If not, this is about to become your favorite mom tip ever. Wet bags are reusable zip bags that are lined so that they are waterproof. Im pretty sure they started for cloth diapering specifically but have evolved into so many other uses! You can get them in all different sizes from small (great for snacks!) to large (fits multiple swimsuits). I love them so much for wet swimsuits. You can toss anything wet into your wet bag and then simply transfer it to your washer once you get home. It saves the rest of your things from being soggy. 

Sand toys 

It’s always a good idea to bring some toys to keep your kids entertained when they aren’t in the water. Or maybe you have a kid like one of mine that would rather just play in the sand the whole time. Sand castle toys, a small shovel, a frisbee, a football…all great options to bring! Don’t forget to fill in any holes and knock down castles before you leave. It helps keep the turtles safe!


Snacks…because…kids. Enough said 😉 But! Don’t forget you can’t bring glass to the beach.


You need the ultimate beach read for your beach bag. Something light. Something that is a quick read. This one is actually set on 30A which makes it really fun to read! 


What else would you add to this list?? I almost added bandaids to the list, but maybe that is just my kids who constantly want a bandaid for literally everything lol. 

We hope this list helps you as you prep your beach bag with must haves for your next beach day!



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