Covid-19 brought us all so much frustration, but maybe some new opportunities as well. I am just a normal mom of three who loves her lunches with girl friends, quick pop ins to Anthropology and Target, and my weekly yoga classes. What opportunity could Covid-19 possibly bring someone like me? Let me tell you: Homeschooling. What have I done.
Here at the beach, we are beyond blessed with wonderful school districts. My children are in 2nd, 6th, and 8th grade. I have LOVED their schools. But alas, here we are. For reasons I can’t quite remember now as I sit among 498 books strewn about my house, homeschooling was the best option for this 2023-24 school year. What have I done?
I am pretty serious when I say that my house looks like an Office Depot and a small library dumped their inventory onto every surface of my home.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my children with every fiber of my being and I wholeheartedly love being around them all the time. I am also very excited about this new adventure. However, I have had many moments recently where I have completely second guessed my sanity in homeschooling three very different children. Oh, and to add to the crazy, my husband works from home, I teach yoga three mornings a week, and we have 10 pets. Well, 13 if you want to include the hermit crabs that I still refuse to acknowledge. Welcome to the crazy.
Maybe you can share my sense of crazy. Maybe you are a seasoned homeschool mom and you have this down pat. If so, please come over and show me how to organize this madness. I’ll give you a hermit crab for your troubles. Maybe your kids are back in brick and mortar school, or maybe you are virtually learning.