Hey y’all!
So… I’m not fond of talking about myself, but I’ve managed to put quote a few thoughts together for this post. So, let’s just give hugs all around and be friends so we can share some knowledge in this thing we call #momlife. (And maybe that would be better done over a glass of wine?)
I’m excited about this network to connect, share experiences, and learn a thing or two {or a lot} from other local moms, and I do this in hopes I can share something that might help another woman, encourage another woman, or really, I hope to connect, build relationships and learn from YOU!
Honestly, I have no idea what I’m doing.
I’m a single mom to a precious 8-month-old boy, Josiah (I call him, ‘Si’). A little backstory {without the details and the drama just so you know where I’m coming from}… when I found out I was pregnant, his ‘father’ decided he wanted nothing to do with him, and because of the situation his response, I decided that was best for the time being. There’s a LOT more to the story and SO many more details, but I tell you that because it’s an important part of who I am and my #momstory. I promise I’ll never put you through the agony of having to hear that story {so please don’t start making tons of random assumptions}, but I’m always here for anyone who needs to talk to someone in a similar situation or for any moms who feel alone or abandoned. You’re not alone. I’m a new mom, doing this thing on my own {obviously with tons of help from my family, friends, church, and community} and like I said, I have no idea what I’m doing, but I love it. I love him, and I’m going to walk through this #momlife thing with you {and maybe in my workout clothes with a glass of wine}.
Some fun stuff…
I’m a transplant to the area (moved here full time in 2010). I grew up in Birmingham (Hoover) in Sweet Home Alabama and my grandad had a condo in Miramar Beach (since before it was called that), so Destin and Miramar Beach were basically my second home. I’m just going to get this out of the way… WAR EAGLE! I’m a third generation Auburn University graduate, and I bleed orange and blue. I absolutely LOVE football. Obviously, a huge Auburn fan, love the SEC, and I’ve grown over the years into a HUGE New England Patriots fan, and I’m really into NFL football {yes, that’s an odd combo – Auburn and Patriots – I’m happy to share the story with you someday, but I won’t bore those who don’t like football. Yes, I know you’re out there, and while I might not understand you, I DO respect you, haha!} I’ve pretty much been brainwashing my child since day one. If you don’t believe me, see for yourself here, here and here. #sorryimnotsorry
I like things other than football…
You know, like ‘girl’ things. Coffee, brunch, beach days, shopping, fitness, festivals (preferably food or wine), and dancing are my JAM. Oh and wine. But I haven’t mentioned that yet, have I (haha)? I grew up dancing (I’m trained in classical ballet) and danced through college. Now I have the pleasure of getting to share my passion and I teach a few classes at Rise Dance Center in Destin. I love everything about dance. I enjoy teaching and getting to share my skills, knowledge, and passion with students, but I still enjoy taking classes and my newer passion is Latin dancing (LOVE some Salsa and Bachata). I also love food. Yes. I LOVE food. I work out so I can eat, but fitness is also fun for me. I will gladly recommend my favorite area restaurants when you need recommendations.
Traveling is the best.
I love to travel and see new things. Yes, I took my 2-month-old to Boston… on a plane… for a week… when I was still breastfeeding. Talk about being brave. Thank God for my mom… she joined in on the fun. Internationally, I’ve been to Australia, New Zealand and Guatemala (a few times). Domestically, I’ve visited tons of fun places, but a few favorites are Boston, Dallas, Chicago, NYC and Nashville. I go to Birmingham and Atlanta on the reg, and have a LONG list of places I need to see. And you better believe the little dude will be doing that with me in the future. Travel with kids? You brave souls. Let’s share some experiences!
What I do…
I do marketing full time (specializing in inbound marketing, social media strategy and advertising, and digital communications) and I’m blessed to have worked my way into a job where I work from home. It’s such a blessing, especially being a single mom. I love what I do and am truly thankful and in awe of the place I’m in. I take each day as it comes, and don’t ponder on the past or worry about the future. Time flies, and I’m trying to enjoy each day because I won’t get these days back with my child (oh… I also take a LOT of pics because of that).
Last, but certainly not least…
I have 3 ‘furchildren.’ I love my dogs… well I love 2 of them more than the last (insert laughing emoji). Is that mean? If you knew them, you’d understand. I have 2 big dogs (a 95-lb rottweiler-shepherd mix that’s my baby I brought home from college with me, and a 60-lb ‘brown dog’ – we have no clue what she is – that’s just a sweet, and super well-behaved, dog). I also have a little dog… we offered to keep him for a friend and he’s just stayed. He is very sweet, house trained and behaved 80% of the time. The other 20%, he’s plotting ways to attack the big dog. I’m serious… anyone in the market for a cute little 12 pound black dog (probably a mix of maltese and something and around 10 years old)? Haha… but seriously. I worry for his life every time he attacks the big dog… luckily the big dog looks at him and laughs (well at least that’s what I’m thinking he’s doing in my mind). All of our dogs are adopted and I fully support bringing home a shelter pet.
Anyways, I’m going to stop talking about my life. It’s busy, crazy, and hectic, but it’s also beautiful. I hope we can connect and have some fun with mom stuff here on this blog. Feel free to follow me for more fun: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Blog.
Well my coffee is empty and my child just started crawling and has made his way to the kitchen… bye for now and see ya soon on the blog!