Mother’s Day is upon us and it got me thinking… not only about my own mom, but about all the moms in my life who have helped me along the way. I truly couldn’t Mom without them! They helped me Mom like a Mother. You know who and what I’m talking about – all the experienced moms in my life who gave advice when I asked for it (or when I didn’t ask but they knew I needed it), and listened to me vent about everything when I needed to. Who helps you Mom like a Mother?
My Mom Tribe helped me get through the newborn days, the terrible twos, the threenager phase and on through young adulthood which is where my mom adventure is right now, and let me tell you – it hasn’t been easy. Don’t misunderstand me. Parenting definitely gets easier as kids grow but it also gets harder in ways I never imagined it would. I rely on my core group of Moms to help me navigate this part of my Mom adventure.
Who helps you Mom like a Mother?
The people who help me Mom like a Mother include many different people – including my Dad. Yes, my Dad is a great resource for parenting information or just listening to me try to figure out how to guide our kids through whatever it is they are going through. A dad’s perspective is much different from a mom’s for sure. Dads don’t usually guide their kids with emotion, but with logic. My dad is a great listener, and great advice giver as well. Most times he just listens, though, and that means a lot because most times I just want to talk it out.
My first Mother’s Day was spent addressing thank you cards to those who attended my mom’s funeral 21 years ago. It was a surreal day but I wouldn’t change a thing about it because I was with my sisters and my dad. Right where my mom would have wanted me to be. My sisters and my dad are definitely the first people who helped me Mom like a Mother. They were just the beginning of my fabulous Mom Tribe and will always be the top of my Mom Tribe Totem Pole. All of my friends who have helped me Mom are also very important because it takes a village!
Thank you to my Mom Tribe for being there for me and who will continue to be there for me. Know that I am here for you!
Who helps you Mom like a Mother?