It's that magical time of year that all us locals love. ❤ The spring breakers have headed home and we have our beautiful beaches to ourselves for a few weeks before summer starts. We love our visitors, but this in-between...
  Parenting is hard. Communication to our children of any age is hard. Especially if you're trying to do it right or change negative generational patterns. Thankfully research shows that we *only* have to do it right 30% of the...
“Breast cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me.” Not exactly what you’d expect to hear from a breast cancer survivor is it? Terri Fedonczak is a breast cancer survivor and a champion of encouraging women and girls...
Over the years I've had many truly great friendships.  I have had a squad for every phase of my life.  Without them, I would have struggled through those different phases of life.  They helped guide me through some of life's...
Is there anything more full of potential than a brand new lunchbox? Don't you just love to cruise blogs and Pinterest for creative ways to send your little one a healthy, delicious, and fun meal from home? You know...
He would chase me around the house, call me names and spy on my friends and me. I wasn't innocent either, after all, we were siblings. He got me and I got him. There was one time, I think...
We understand that you have so many choices when it comes to finding a great photographer in Destin and the 30A area! We are lucky enough to have so many great photographers locally however with so many options it...
Being a parent to a child with special needs is something you truly don't understand unless you walk through it. It can be lonely, it can be draining, it can also be completely rewarding. Not everyone will be in...
From the moment we found out we were having our second child, I had wonderful ideas in my head of how smoothly this pregnancy would go. After all, I had a relatively easy pregnancy with my first son, and...
Just a little round up of a few of the things we're loving right now from all corners of the internet. Want even more? Come pin like crazy with us. 
Nest: v. to make a home; n. a home where people live I had heard the term nesting time and time again as I began walking through the sweet season of pregnancy. And although I felt it would be my honest...
I’ve written about it before, our fourth child has tested us beyond belief as parents & humans. And *fortunately* our fifth is following big brothers lead to make sure we've truly learned how to parent strong willed children. As...
I'm not sure about you, but I'll use any excuse to give myself a little self care; so, I'd like to introduce to you... National Self Care Month! Easier said than done, but do it for you, Mama! If you're...
  Hey Y'all! I'm Olivia Here's a little bit about me: I was born and raised in Indiana. I attended Indiana University where I earned my Bachelors of Science from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (and met the love of my...

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In + Around Destin

Destin 30A May Events Roundup

It's official - the month of May is festival month. GatorFest, LakeFest, Fine Arts many fests! Plus Mother's Day, and more. Check out...