Today we're so happy to be able to share a guest post from local mom Kristy Green! If you haven't seen her amazing DIY videos yet you're missing out.
You know those friends who make you feel like you are their 2nd or 3rd choice? I have spent the majority of my life chasing their “yes.” It was exhausting and emotionally draining. I have cried, felt unlikeable, and...
Wow. It's really nice to be here and to have the opportunity to introduce myself to all of you! Usually I skip the small talk and go straight to my deepest thoughts but today I will try to share...
Hi There!   My name is Whitney Bengson, and I live off of 30A with this beautiful bunch below... and our crazy chihuahua named Vito (not pictured...he was barking at the photographer...) I'm really excited to begin this new journey of blogging...and...
Ah, August. The heat is so oppressive that after five minutes outside you need a shower, “Named” storms start popping up, and THE KIDS ARE GOING BACK TO SCHOOL.  Admittedly, it’s school that makes some of the most lasting impressions...

Life Is Hard, Embrace It

Somewhere along the way I bought into the lie that if I did xyz life would be easy and free of problems. Then I bought into the lie that if my life wasn’t easy and free of problems I...
Well, introductions can be a bit uncomfortable and awkward, so let’s just go right ahead and get that weird “'do we shake hands’ or ‘do we hug hello?’” moment out of the way. By the way, I am a hug...

Before The Internet

If you were born on or after August 6, 1991, then you will never know what life was like before the internet. I have been thinking about this lately because my husband and I have been having conversations about...
We are expected to mother like we have zero other responsibilities, work like we have no kids, keep up with our social life, navigate extended family, all while staying completely sane and balanced. Not. Gonna. Happen. And it's why...
  Tips For Keeping Your Kids Healthy This Fall As a mom, keeping our kids healthy is the goal. When Fall rolls around each year and we eat a little more sugar, spend a little less time outside, get back to...
Welcome to the 21st century... Where everyone wants to have their babies at home or on a farm somewhere. Maybe not everyone--maybe I just have a lot of crunchy friends (love you, Crunchy Friends! ?). While a home birth was never my...
With back-to-school season upon us the weather starting to change…we all know what that means. All the germs. If you or your child has ever had a rough case of the common cold or the flu, you know how...
I’ve never been the most zen person. If there is a Wikipedia page that’s dedicated to Type A Nut Job, I’m pretty sure you’ll see my mug next to it. I have a particular way that I do things...
There is a LOT to be excited about when you have a baby on the way! But there are so many products out there, that overwhelm can set in quickly.  I took a hard pass on these 5 baby items...

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In + Around Destin

Destin 30A May Events Roundup

It's official - the month of May is festival month. GatorFest, LakeFest, Fine Arts many fests! Plus Mother's Day, and more. Check out...