Who knew there was a National Tooth Fairy Day?!? Not ME- and I’m a dentist {LOL}.
Guess I better get with the program! In honor of this most special day, I’m here to share some FUN ideas you may not have thought of to bring the Tooth Fairy into your home when that special time hits!
I am NOT the most creative Pinterest mom, but I am a dentist and totally respect the importance of losing teeth (hopefully on their own because it was TIME, not because they were decayed and had to be pulled early 😉 ) and the magic of the tooth fairy is REAL around our house. I’ve even been known to write the tooth fairy a letter for kids when I had to extract a tooth at the office and it was in pieces so I couldn’t send it home.
BUT- when my son lost his first tooth (quick TWIST with a paper towel does the trick EVERY time with those front teeth!), I was NOT exactly prepared. So I turned to my trusty Facebook tribe to figure out WHAT to do to make it SPECIAL!!! GLITTER was a must according to my “in the know” moms and I just HAPPENED to have a new bottle of glitter glue- and of course no $1 bills lying around- so I covered a $5 bill in glitter using a paintbrush and glue at 10:00 at night (please tell me he’ll eventually lose a tooth at a normal hour so I have more time to prepare 😉 ), gave it 10 minutes to dry and BOOM- magical fairy money! When B woke up the next morning he was PUMPED. He was totally convinced it was from the tooth fairy because.. GLITTER. That’s about as elaborate as I get so we did the same thing for tooth #2 but just $1.
So I’ve been researching and here are some great ideas or items to make those special moments stick in their little memories:
- Tooth pillows or something special to hold the tooth until the magical fairy gets there.
- Glitter- this is a MUST according to my 7 year old and a lot of moms agree. I used glitter glue and brush it on with an old paintbrush I can throw away, but other ideas were glitter hairspray on the money or glitter trails leading out from the pillow
- A note- your kids can leave one for the tooth fairy OR Mom or Dad can get really fancy and write in tiny letters on a miniature fairy-sized piece of paper from the fairy.
- A fairy door- who has heard of such? But you can BUY them or make them.
- Pressed pennies- I had NO idea this was a thing- but ETSY. Silver dollars, two dollar bills and 50 cent pieces were other unique money idea to use!
Another GREAT idea– especially coming from a dentist’s perspective is to scale how much a tooth is worth based on it’s condition- if it has decay or a filling, it’s worth less- pretty good incentive for those kiddos to brush and floss more- and have less sticky foods and juice or sodas! WIN WIN!