There really is a holiday for everything these days. Some of them are silly, and some are my new favorite days of the year, I.E. NATIONAL LAZY MOM’S DAY! I definitely celebrate this one way more often than once...
Motherhood is so bizarre. Can we be good moms but sometimes selfish? Can we be good partners while drowning in the day to day tasks? Am I doing any of this right? Help!
I’m feeling so refreshed after a 3...
Amazon vs. Target, man oh man, I really have a lot of feelings about these two champions of my heart.
Listen, before you get your nice girl panties in a bunch this is not a battle. If, God forbid, there...
September is finally here! This is possibly one of my favorite months. The weather is finally bringing in some cooler temperatures, the crowds are lightening up around town, and we are finally getting into the swing of school routines!...
Who knew there was a National Tooth Fairy Day?!? Not ME- and I'm a dentist {LOL}.
Guess I better get with the program! In honor of this most special day, I'm here to share some FUN ideas you may not...
National Nonprofit Day is celebrated annually on August 17th. What is National Nonprofit day anyway? Sherita J. Herring, a renowned speaker, best-selling author and business strategist, founded National Nonprofit Day to educate, enlighten and empower others to make a...
As the first part of our Nights Out On 30A series, we’re going to focus on the perfect spot for a DATE NIGHT. If it has been a while and you have zero clue what I’m talking about, it’s...
My warmest childhood memories all revolve around my grandparents. I was blessed enough to know all four of my grandparents as a child, to know and love them well. My great grandmother passed away when I was young but...
It’s August, and I’ve had my kid home with me for 3 months. Let me reiterate, THREE months. At home. Just me. I am SO excited for my son to go back to school that frankly, I would sleep...
Friends are you ready for your kids to grow up?? The whole time my kids have been growing up I have been ready to see what path they will take, what adventures they will go on finding their way...
Back to school is approaching and this year is going to be pretty tough as my youngest baby is off to school for the first time. While I am so excited for him, my heart is breaking as "Back...
August?! Say it isn't so! This means the end of summer is near even though it feels like it has just begun! Soon the kids are heading back to school, some might be going for their first - or...
Moms - do you remember that last time you went shopping for something with your child but didn't realize it would be the last time you would be shopping for that item? It dawned on me recently that TWO...
When we started the adoption process the first time (in 2017), everyone came out of the woodworks. You know, the "OMG! My cousin's, sister's, brother and his wife adopted, too!" It's like when you get pregnant, you're all the...