Happy {almost} 2022!
We have had such a great year of content from our amazing contributor team. They have covered humor, parenting tips, mental health, local favorites, and more. Here is a list of some of our most read posts in 2021!
Sometimes parenting sucks : “Let me explain. I all out adore both of my kids. I’m not referring to the sleepless nights, or never eating a hot meal, or never going to the bathroom without someone barging in; these things are completely normal, and were even expected. No, I’m referring to actually having to parent. Having to discipline them, teach them, and say no, when the kid that’s still living deep down inside you really wants to let them be and say yes. But I don’t. “
On the hunt for a fitness routine : “Making the move to 30A this past July has been a whirlwind. My initial Mama focus was school registration and the plethora of paperwork and must-dos that come along with that task. The rest of our summer was spent getting acclimated to our new community and trying to unpack and get situated. Fast forward a few months and I can finally focus on my own health and wellness again. Knowing that group classes work best for me but having trouble finding that here has been a challenge.”
10 things to do on a rainy day : “A rainy day is always a bummer on your Destin or 30A vacation. Heck, it’s even a bummer for locals on a rainy weekend. But don’t fear, here are some of our favorite ways to spend a rainy day!”
Outdoor dining : “When the weather is as beautiful as ours usually is, eating out is a must! We polled our amazing contributors on the best outdoor dining options in Destin/30A, and this is what they shared. There is something for everyone on this list: fancy, casual, kid friendly, and more!”
Farmers market guide : “Farmers Markets are one of my very favorite things. Living in the Destin/30A area means that we get them all year round! Here are some of Farmers Markets in the Destin/30A area!”
Free things to do 30a : “Looking for some free things to do around 30a?? Maybe you are a local, maybe you come here every year, or maybe you are here visiting for the first time. Either way, it is always fun to find more things to do around town! Check out some of our favorite free things to do around 30a! “
5 things to do today when motherhood feels weary : “Are you weary mama? I am coming out of a very weary season. It wasn’t because of COVID for me. It was realizing that I am a highly sensitive introvert. And I homeschool our five children. So, the needed quiet spaces of my life are nearly non existent. And sensitive people need quiet so we don’t become insensitive… at least so I am told… I’m going to share with you five things to do today, whenever motherhood feels weary.”
An ode to kota : “Fast forward almost two years, and now my almost 5 year old is in the stage where he is scared of everything. He’s constantly asking what that noise is, requesting to leave all the lights on, and doesn’t want to be left alone even for someone to walk out of the room. Intellectually, I know this is just a phase, and he will get over it with reassurance, and (parental) patience, but man it’s frustrating. We are up to 4 nightlights, a hallway light, 4 blankets, and 7 loveys. He was doing better, and then one night he woke up screaming. “Buddy, what are you afraid of?” “A shark, bears, and KOTA. They came in my room from the garage.”
How to beat the heat at Walt Disney World : “Super hot days at WDW can feel super long, which is why we want to give you some tips to beat the heat! Obviously we are going to tell you to stay hydrated (super important!), bring fans if you want, wear hats, bust out your peppermint essential oil, etc. And then we also want to share these tips for rides (for all ages!) to check out. We think they are going to make you so happy on your next 90 degree Disney day!”
Thanks so much for reading along this year! We cannot wait to bring you even more amazing content in 2022!