Self Care Say What?


Self care is a pretty foreign topic to a lot of moms. I’m not only talking about bubble baths, or massages, facials, or getting your nails done. I’m talking about the absolute basics. By definition, self care is doing things to take care of your mind, body, and soul. For some, pampering does that.

Just like you need to know love languages to effectively communicate with your partner, it’s important to know what fills your self care bucket. 

I’ve been consistently riding my Peloton bike for 30-60 minutes a day five days a week. This time on the bike has not only helped me to physically feel better about myself with a few pounds lost, it has mentally allowed me time daily to decompress, and take time for me. My husband was away for five straight weeks recently. The entire house was reliant upon me to get things done. From sun up, to crisis school, to bedtime, I had no time to just be me. Until I carved out that 30-60 minutes on the bike. 

I feel like taking the time to exercise has been my gateway drug to self care. Yesterday, I finished an entire book. Today, I’m writing which is a great way for me to express myself. I picked up my camera for the first time in a while. When I’m feeling so depleted, and unlike myself, it’s hard to do the things that I know will bring me joy.

Self care doesn’t need to be expensive or decadent.

There are many, many ways to serve yourself that require very little time or money. What is your favorite form of self care? Are you a mani-pedi kinda girl? Does a long run get your self care bucket overflowing? There is no right or wrong answer. It’s just what makes you feel the best. For me? Exercise was the gateway to discovering what helps fill up my bucket. 

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