As a Family Nurse Practitioner with a background in Infectious Disease, I have had numerous people reach out to me for advice on what they need to do to prevent & protect their kids from the ugly one-eyed monster of a virus named COVID-19.
I wanted to share with my fellow Moms what I am doing…keep in mind this is not 100% everything you can do or the only options…this is just what I am currently instituting in my own home with my family. And here it is… the ever so annoying disclaimer…do not take any medications or supplements without consulting your healthcare practitioner first. While these are all natural & over the counter remedies, they can still interfere with certain medications & may not be suitable for ALL people, so give your doctor or nurse practitioner a call prior to initiating any treatment modalities. Okay…got it? So let’s dive in.
Besides cleaning & disinfecting every surface like a boss, avoiding crowds, & not congregating with others, here are some simple things you can add into your daily diet & routine to help ward off that yucky COVID-19 virus that seems to be lurking around every corner & social media page.
Here’s what I am doing to help protect myself and my kids from COVID-19…
- Hand washing…wash all hands, big and small, with antibacterial soap for 1 minute… I know everything you see now says 20 seconds, but I have always taught my patients to scrub hands with soap for 60 seconds & then rinse with water. Make it fun….sing a song or play 60 seconds of their favorite song…we are going back through the Baby Shark phase again at our house, so pray for me.??♀️
- No touchy touchy…don’t just avoid touching other people but don’t touch yourself! Avoid touching your face or mouth! We all do it subconsciously, and it seems like we all want to do it more when we are told not to do it. We have made it a game at our house…and if you touch your face or your mouth, you have to do a silly dance for 10 seconds without using your arms or hands…whatever works, people, whatever works.
- Vitamins…if you already take a daily multivitamin with vitamin C and B complex vitamins, then Yay!!! If not, simply pick up a bottle of a reputable clean & pure brand multivitamin at your local health food store. We take a multivitamin that contains both those plus zinc & all the other good stuff. Vitamin C & B complex vitamins are known to boost your immune system! Natural sources of vitamin C are super fabulous too…if you have time to make freshly squeezed OJ, go for it…but as for me & my kids, the Trader Joe brand Vitamin C chewables are what’s up.✌?
- Elderberry/Sambucol…
Elderberry has been a go to for me & my kids for many many past cold & flu seasons, & it has done us well. Elderberry is a natural remedy with antiviral properties that is also packed with antioxidants offering a boost to the immune system. We also regularly eat Elderberry honey we buy from a local vendor, which is a great way to sneak it into your kid’s diet, especially if you have a “medicine spewer” on your hands…you Moms know what I mean… more of it ends up in the floor & on you than in the child’s system. - Echinacea…this supplement has been shown to increase the number of white blood cells in the body…which are the backbone of your immune response. Although it is minimal, it still offers the benefit of preventing colds & viruses. In my opinion, every little bit helps right now, so why not give it a try?
- Probiotics….otherwise known as the “good” bacteria of the gut. These good guys are the first line of defense for whatever you ingest…they handle the good, the bad, & the ugly. Also, some probiotics have been shown to promote the production of natural antibodies in the body. They boost the IgA-producing cells, T lymphocytes, & natural killer cells of our immune system. Some studies have even shown a decrease in the likelihood and duration or respiratory infections…which is high on everyone’s priority list right now.
- Healthy diet with immune boosting foods…yes, please! If you are a dietitian/nutritionist or aspire to be one, you already know that the best source of vitamins are to get them naturally through your diet! However, that can be a challenging task every single day, so I do what I can & we eat as many vitamin rich foods as possible! Some of the foods we already have in our diets that help boost the immune system are almonds, plain Greek yogurt, all types of berries, spinach, sweet potatoes, broccoli, & mushrooms! (I always recommend organic when possible!) We are incorporating them into our daily meals & snacks more frequently & creatively…meaning if your kid won’t eat raw veggies, try making a quiche or omelet with spinach & mushrooms instead! Incorporate it whenever and wherever you can!
- Water…hydration is so important for your overall health, especially when it comes to your immune system. Staying hydrated helps your body naturally eliminate toxins and other bacteria that can cause infections. Another way hydration helps your immune system is through the production of lymph, which is a fluid that runs throughout your body collecting the yucky stuff & bacteria then transporting it to the lymph nodes to be destroyed. Yipee!??Pretty cool, right? So sip sip sip that water throughout the day…your body will take care of you if you take care of it.
Now, there are so many other wonderful immune boosters out there, no doubt, but these are the ones we have implemented in our family for now! Remember to always make gradual changes to your diet & daily routine, especially with children! It is never a good idea to drastically or suddenly make big changes to your routine or diet because it actually could cause more harm than good. Baby steps are always best.
Try your best to relax at home with your children, & enjoy this gift of time with them because the truth is they are also very stressed about this situation, & stress can decrease the efficiency of the immune system. It is our job to reassure them & protect them however we need to. That, my fellow moms, is our main job right now.
We are all in this together, so don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need help or have any questions. Now, let’s fight COVID-19 like a mother! You got this, Mama!?