Well, it's 1 billion days into the pandemic and Thanksgiving is upon us. All the changes in 2020 have me reminiscing on the large holidays growing up when everyone and anyone would come over to eat. From family, to...
period panties

Period Panties

Period panties are golden. I used to think no one else had "period panties" in their drawer and that every other woman was like a magical unicorn and just didn't have crazy periods. Even though we are pretty much magical...
So just to get right to it: a parenting fail can totally suck, but sometimes they can be very funny too.   I recently experienced a note worthy parenting fail. Not too long ago we were taking a family drive to...
2020 has been a rough year for a lot of reasons. My family lost two furry members in quick succession, and due to his commitment to the Army National Guard, my husband has been away a lot more than...
Today the phrase 'Teamwork Makes The Dream Work'  has tested me. My husband and I will celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary this year. We have been together for a total of 28 years.  Today we cleaned out ONE closet...
Yes!... I’ll be the first to say I rerun the dishwasher without fully unloading it. Eek! Sometimes my days consist of not matching every family member's socks. Sometimes, my husband will find my socks in his drawer and his...
This post is sponsored by Panhandle Pediatric Dentistry. As always, all opinions are my own.   I think everybody probably has a horror story from a childhood trip to the dentist. I know I do! As a kid, I was always...
In this year of uncertainty my kids going back to school was something I was looking forward to. We picked traditional school for our family. Not to get rid of them and out of the house- just to provide...
October is fast approaching and along with the ghosts, goblins, scary movies and pumpkins everything (all of which I am 1000000% in support of) comes another insidious beast: the Pink Washing problem. Now, before I get ahead of myself, let me...

Love of Quilting

Quilts can tell you so much about the people who made them and when. I created my first quilt square for some extra credit in geometry during my freshman year of high school and I had now idea how...

Mom-Approved Mask Hacks

You know the feeling … you finally got everyone in the car, shoes on, pottied – and then you realize there’s a pandemic. And on top of everything else, you have to get the kids to put on face masks!...
First and foremost, if you happened to Google “What to do when I’m choking” and stumbled on this post, please close your internet browser, and call 911. If not, then carry on. Do you ever feel like you’re choking? Like you...
One of my best friends turned the big four-oh this month. I remember when my mom turned 40. I was nine years old and it seemed like such a big deal. I remember thinking adamantly that we not decorate...
My health and fitness level took a real gnarly turn in the past 6 months. I’ve been exercising regularly for years, but it took a back seat to stress eating and sitting on the couch while everything imploded. Oh...

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In + Around Destin

Destin 30A May Events Roundup

It's official - the month of May is festival month. GatorFest, LakeFest, Fine Arts Fest...so many fests! Plus Mother's Day, and more. Check out...