My son is five and has a muscle disorder, which has caused significant delays in his muscle development and overall strength. When looking for equipment like car seats, there is always the concern that even if a seat is age-appropriate for him, it may not give him enough support.
My family lives a wild, unusual lifestyle that many people have questions about: We don't have a TV. I know. It's kinda crazy, but we actually love not having a TV. Here are the answers to the most common questions...
Welcome to the 21st century... Where everyone wants to have their babies at home or on a farm somewhere. Maybe not everyone--maybe I just have a lot of crunchy friends (love you, Crunchy Friends! ?). While a home birth was never my...
I do not know if it is a second baby thing, a girl thing, or if I am finally being punished for something awful I did in my dreams but this toddler is wild. Terrible twos may be the...
Nearly 14 years ago, a lovely nurse named Glinda placed a tiny eight pound two ounce bundle of baby boy on my chest after many hours of labor and pushing. I remember being completely in awe and also completely...
Since you have been a parent, have you heard the phrase “choose your battles”?  This phrase has helped me survive some trying times as a parent.  It was what helped me decide what battles were worth fighting to win...
Today we're so happy to be able to share a guest post from local mom Kristy Green! If you haven't seen her amazing DIY videos yet you're missing out.
I want to tell you the tale of my life with a minivan...  Living near the beach with kids it goes without saying that my car is full of summer gear, soccer balls, toys, beach chairs, sand; LOTS of...
Is there anything more full of potential than a brand new lunchbox? Don't you just love to cruise blogs and Pinterest for creative ways to send your little one a healthy, delicious, and fun meal from home? You know...
I'm not going to lie, I have never really considered myself a bargain shopper. But with several kids, it's taught me to have a plan and pinch some pennies. Alas, I bring to you: Fun Things To Do This...
Ever feel like the holidays are totally stressful and you're constantly running behind and playing catch up?  Yep, I feel you.  No literally, this was me, every year, always.  I would dread the Christmas Stress even before turkey day...
Is it weird I look back on my childhood and miss going out to play?   I would ride bikes, climb trees, play Kick-The- Can (does anyone remember what that is?)  and do it all day everyday with the neighborhood kids...
Am I crazy? I know it is not even Halloween yet but I am already super jazzed about Christmas, yes I said “jazzed” I say things like that sometimes, get over it. The cookies, the festivities, the lights, the...
Im a Liar

I’m a Liar

Hi everyone.  My name is Amy. I'm a liar.   I have told my closest friends for years that I look forward to my kids growing up and moving out because I can't wait to see what kind of people they will...

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In + Around Destin

Destin 30A May Events Roundup

It's official - the month of May is festival month. GatorFest, LakeFest, Fine Arts many fests! Plus Mother's Day, and more. Check out...