A good Turkish towel is like the Bonnie to my Clyde. It's with me no matter what, and won't let me down, even if I'm putting it in harm's way. I take it with me to the Beach (so sandy), have one in the Bathroom (not kidding), use it for all the kid things (so many messes, some of them bio hazardous), and take it along for the motherhood ride (wine doesn't scare it)...
Motherhood throws a lot of curveballs at you. Some of them you are prepared for, or at least anticipate. Others are a complete surprise. One that surprised me was my relationship with clothes. It started with maternity wear. Man, that...
Today I'm sharing some of my favorite items for surviving life with babies! Here we go:  Baby Monitor with video: I have been using the same baby monitor for all three of my boys and don't know what I would've done...

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In + Around Destin

Pregnancy and Postpartum Guide

Destin 30A Moms PREGNANCY AND POSTPARTUM GUIDE Pregnancy and postpartum can feel daunting and while preparing to grow your family is exciting, it is also filled...
Confessions of a messy mom Laundry

Confessions Of A Messy Mom