I never would have guessed that bringing my seven year in for an orthodontist check up was something I needed to do. She's only in first grade! I had lost my baby teeth, had some others pulled, and was headed straight into the awkward teen years before I even thought about braces.
Self care is a pretty foreign topic to a lot of moms. I'm not only talking about bubble baths, or massages, facials, or getting your nails done. I'm talking about the absolute basics. By definition, self care is doing...
As I was gearing up for my morning session of Prenatal Yoga Booty Ballet, I was filled with dreams of a relaxing workout, one where I am one with my body, and channeling my inner goddess.  Sounds great, right? What could...
I’m scrolling my way through Insta one day and I see my friend Jacquie with her engaging smile, living her best life and teaching yoga. My plus size, fun size (how we say short) sister from another mother, and...
Breast Cancer Awareness is not just a month.  Did you read that?  Breast cancer awareness is not just a month.  Last blog post I talked about monthly self breast exams and how it’s important to know your body.  YOU have...
Welcome (kinda) back to your fitness life! Hi! My name is Sarah and I am addicted to working out.  If you are like me, you still worked out every day during quarantine and tried to close all your Apple Watch circles…every...
Ever feel like as soon as your kids go back to school, daycare, or mother's day out, they come home with some mega-germ that leaves them sick for a week?   Yup!  It happens to us every year.  my son with...
As a Family Nurse Practitioner with a background in Infectious Disease, I have had numerous people reach out to me for advice on what they need to do to prevent & protect their kids from the ugly one-eyed monster...

Mom-Approved Mask Hacks

You know the feeling … you finally got everyone in the car, shoes on, pottied – and then you realize there’s a pandemic. And on top of everything else, you have to get the kids to put on face masks!...
You know those friends who make you feel like you are their 2nd or 3rd choice? I have spent the majority of my life chasing their “yes.” It was exhausting and emotionally draining. I have cried, felt unlikeable, and...
Let me begin by saying this post is not meant to keep you from saving money, I believing saving money is a great thing. But like everything in this life balance is the key to happiness. Now that I have...
trigger warning: ectopic pregnancy "Unfortunately, this is not good news"   The doctor's formality could not hide the discouragement on his face. The heartbeat before I had been full of butterflies and anticipation. I blinked my eyes and it was all...
Who knew there was a National Tooth Fairy Day?!? Not ME- and I'm a dentist {LOL}. Guess I better get with the program! In honor of this most special day, I'm here to share some FUN ideas you may not...
Music has always been one of the great loves of my life. As I write this, I’m sitting in the sun on my back porch with some NOLA jazz blaring from my phone. If I close my eyes and...

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In + Around Destin

Destin 30A May Events Roundup

It's official - the month of May is festival month. GatorFest, LakeFest, Fine Arts Fest...so many fests! Plus Mother's Day, and more. Check out...