I’m just going to say it… our son Isaac going back to school after the holidays sucked. I kept seeing posts from other parents that were soo excited for their kids to go back to school after the holiday break....
One of my best friends turned the big four-oh this month. I remember when my mom turned 40. I was nine years old and it seemed like such a big deal. I remember thinking adamantly that we not decorate...
Nearly 14 years ago, a lovely nurse named Glinda placed a tiny eight pound two ounce bundle of baby boy on my chest after many hours of labor and pushing. I remember being completely in awe and also completely...
My son was recently in Orlando, Florida without any member of his family. He's highly supervised, of course, but this was the first time he/any of my children have been away from us for a school trip. He was...
"How many of you have ever felt personally victimized by Regina George?" Me: *raising my hand*  How many of you have been Regina George?   Me:  *raising my hand slowly* If you answered no to the second question - then you might be...
I am officially naming this school year Senior Year Interrupted.  With all that is happening in the world right now senior year is the last thing anyone should be worried about, right?  I wish I could agree with you,...
Im a Liar

I’m a Liar

Hi everyone.  My name is Amy. I'm a liar.   I have told my closest friends for years that I look forward to my kids growing up and moving out because I can't wait to see what kind of people they will...
I do not know if it is a second baby thing, a girl thing, or if I am finally being punished for something awful I did in my dreams but this toddler is wild. Terrible twos may be the...
Wait.  Did you read that title right?  Am I really talking about preparing KIDS to move out??  You bet I am!  Please don't misunderstand or judge me.  If you know me in real life then you know that I...
Am I crazy? I know it is not even Halloween yet but I am already super jazzed about Christmas, yes I said “jazzed” I say things like that sometimes, get over it. The cookies, the festivities, the lights, the...
Since you have been a parent, have you heard the phrase “choose your battles”?  This phrase has helped me survive some trying times as a parent.  It was what helped me decide what battles were worth fighting to win...
From the moment we found out we were having our second child, I had wonderful ideas in my head of how smoothly this pregnancy would go. After all, I had a relatively easy pregnancy with my first son, and...
As I was gearing up for my morning session of Prenatal Yoga Booty Ballet, I was filled with dreams of a relaxing workout, one where I am one with my body, and channeling my inner goddess.  Sounds great, right? What could...
Motherhood is so bizarre. Can we be good moms but sometimes selfish? Can we be good partners while drowning in the day to day tasks? Am I doing any of this right? Help!   I’m feeling so refreshed after a 3...

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In + Around Destin

Pregnancy and Postpartum Guide

Destin 30A Moms PREGNANCY AND POSTPARTUM GUIDE Pregnancy and postpartum can feel daunting and while preparing to grow your family is exciting, it is also filled...
Confessions of a messy mom Laundry

Confessions Of A Messy Mom